silent reading with the Whisper Box

Introducing Silent Reading with the Whisper Box

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This is a very simple activity you can have on the shelf to introduce and practice quiet reading. If a child has mastered three-letter/CVC or longer phonetic words, he is ready for the whisper box. In Montessori education, typically pink colour represents CVC words, while blue colour represents long phonetic words. However, the whisper box consists of multi-coloured square papers ( about 3″x3″) folded in half. Each paper contains a written CVC or long phonetic word.

Other than practicing silent reading, the Whisper Box is a great shelf activity to build confidence in reading. Before introducing this, the child should master CVC and long phonetic words in different contexts. For example Word & Picture Cards, Booklets, Lists and Sheets.

CVC reading materials
Phonetic word reading materials
Digraph reading shelf materials

How to Present Silent Reading with Whisper Box

silent reading with the Whisper Box
  • Show the children where the Whisper Box is kept on the shelf.
  • Bring it to the table. Open the box. and show all the folded coloured papers.
  • Show them how to take one paper at a time, open them and whisper the word.
  • Once you whisper, fold it back and put it on the lid. If you use a tray you can put the paper you read on the side of the tray.
  • Once introduced the children can take the Whisper Box and practice any time they wish.

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This is a very interactive activity where the child has to unfold the paper, read, fold it back and put it away. The folded paper gives the children curiosity to see what is inside. Start by whispering very softly, just to show the children that you are reading the word. But continue to make the voice softer and softer until your voice can’t be heard.

It will be difficult for some children to whisper at first. Practice and patience are key when introducing anything new to children. Once the child masters the skill, let him know that whenever he reads anything, he can read in this manner. Continue this way until the child has read all the slips inside the box or until she doesn’t feel like reading anymore. Keep this box on the shelf, for children to read whenever they feel like it.

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